Friday, January 16, 2009

Is it New Years allready?

OK... so I planned on posting my New Years resolutions around New Years... but my internet hasn't been doing so well... Dates are rather meaningless around here anyway... I figure I have exactly one year left in the Army.. so I am making today New Years Day. I decided I needed 10 goals... didn't think it would be so hard to decide on 10.

So here there are... hopefully I can stick to em for once...

#1 ... Post to the blog at least once a week. My record isn't so hot on this one, but look, 1st day of the year and I have one knocked out!

#2 ... Make it to 185lbs, without gaining any fat. Currently at 170.

#3 ... (GYM STUFF)
Get my bench press at the gym up to 300lbs. Currently at 175.
Get my 2-mile Run time down to 10 minutes or less. Currently run 2 miles in 14 minutes.

#4 ... Complete 18 semester hours of school. (The max my TA will pay for in a year) I start 2 classes (6 hrs) in Feb. Working on a Bachelors in Business Administration at the American Military Institute. I allready have an Associates in Counter-terrorism Studies. How do these two degrees go together? I have no clue.

#5 ... Read at least 25 books. To include Jesus The Christ and the Bible that I got for Christmas!

#6 ... Put at least $1500 a month in my savings account.

#7 ... Learn Spanish... Relearn I guess. But I didn't have it that well the first time. I am able to use the Rosetta Stone Programs for free through the military.. so we will see how that goes.

#8 ... Become a one car man for the first time in a long time. Can't afford so many toys for a while when I get out of the Army. Any interest in a 2000 Dodge Viper, 2004 Mustang Mach 1, or a 2001 Dodge Ram? I don't really consider the little truck when looking at this goal. That thing is everyones!

#9 ... Buy a house! I have been looking at this one for a little while. May have to sell a few of the toys before I jump into this one. We will see.

#10 ... Get out of the Army! There isn't really a whole lot I can do for this one. 365 days to go.

So there they are. Is there anything I missed? Gonna try and update these once a week... an unofficial goal.


Blogger Mom said...

Very ambitious goals! I know you can do it! Steady, consistant progress will get the job done.... I thought the Viper was sold.... too bad I'm no longer working.

4:24 PM  
Blogger jjp said...

How big is your other truck that makes this one "the little one"?

8:48 AM  
Blogger Christopher Van Ry said...

don't forget snowboarding!

12:01 AM  
Blogger ~ Amy said...

I'm interested in all the cars! Your goals are great. Want to buy a house in Amherst?

6:00 PM  

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